Coordination between the regulation of public limited liability companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Council Regulation on the Statute for an European company in the light of amendments of national legislation on companies
With the goal of successfully integrating into the internal EU market in mind, by becoming a signatory of Stabilisation and Association Agreement on June 16, 2009, Bosnia and Herzegovina took on the responsibility of undertaking prescribed measures to enable a functional market economy to take roots by establishing a single economic space based on four freedoms of movement. Hence, current efforts to harmonise the local regulations with acquis communautaire will be intensified and attention given to the harmonisation of company law regulations, thus ensuring one of the four mentioned freedoms – the freedom of establishment. This is the only manner in which companies established in the single economic space in BiH can endeavour to be recognised, gaining a more competitive status in the internal EU market.It is reasonable to maintain that establishing European companies and their conducting of business in the single economic space of BaH will prove to be a decisive step towards complete integration of Bosnian market into the internal EU market after BaH becoming a Member State. The first supranational form of company in the internal market, witnessed in the ascent of European company (SE), has already yielded many advantages in comparison to companies governed by national regulations.Acting towards these ends, it is a prerequisite to ascertain what changes have already been done to the national legislation and just how efficiently they have been implemented, followed by determining the next course of action in making it possible for the joint-stock company to be established as a SE capable of successful business activities in BaH, as well as on EU territory.