A Word from the Editor
The new issue of the magazine Contemporary Issues brings a unique perspective and in-depth understanding of the key issues that shape our contemporary society. From the digital revolution in the media industry to the complexity of political communication, from the challenges faced by young people to innovations in marketing communication and the overview of the launch of a new student radio, the papers in this issue represent a mosaic of contemporary social and technological trends...
Political communication of the president of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić due to mass shootings in 2023
The analysis of political communication in crisis situations is focused on the strategies and methods leaders apply to confront challenges and effectively manage the situation, thereby strengthening public trust. The aim of this research is to analyze and illustrate the communication approach of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, during the series of mass murders in 2023...
Direct marketing communication through the lens of the Y and the Z generation subcultures
Making the right decisions about marketing communication is an important factor in market success. In order to gain and retain consumers, companies invest significant efforts in understanding their needs and desires and in creating personalized offers and communication methods. Direct marketing communication has the following characteristics: immediacy, adaptability, personalized approach, interactivity and measurability. The development of digital channels leads to...
The role of artificial intelligence in media content creation
Digitization and the development of artificial intelligence tools have revolutionized numerous spheres, particularly in communication. While media content was previously exclusively created by individuals, today there are various linguistic, visual, voice, and video tools that effortlessly generate content ready for distribution and consumption. AI, as such, is already significantly transforming media and...
Needs analysis and developing a plan for establishing a student radio at VERN’ University
From its inception, radio has gone through numerous changes, conditioned by the modernization of technology and changes of the audience. That is why it remains a relevant, powerful and all-present media format. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the dominant radio models - commercial radio, public radio and non-profit radio, with an emphasis on student radio as a part of non-profit radio market...
Youth activation in Croatia: what is the role of financial constraints?
Previous research documented decline in traditional forms of youth activation in Croatia. In that context financial constraints potentially affecting youth participation are not explicitly analysed, but are incorporated within the youth socioeconomic status. This paper explores to what extent youth themselves perceive financial constraints as important obstacle for more active participation in the society. The results are based on focus groups and the field survey deployed during the spring 2021.
Media in the role of consultation with the public in adopting regulations
Opinions of those groups that the legislation will affect, play a key role in the so-called „smart legislature“. If we want the regulations to fit to which it applies, it is necessary to achieve the highest possible quality of communication between the stakeholders of the process. This overview paper aims to provide an overview of scientific knowledge and works published in the period from 2017 to 2023 in renowned scientific journals or databases...
Prikazi Knjiga
Blaž Mesec u suradnji s Tamarom Rape Žibern (2023.)„Kvalitativno raziskovanje v teoriji in praksi“(Kvalitativno istraživanje u teoriji i praksi),Ljubljana, Inštitut za razvojne in strateške analize, 285. Puni članak
A Word from the Editor
Godinu je obilježio početak rata u Ukrajini i ratni diskurs koji je unio neizvjesnost u sve domene našeg života. Mogućnost proširenja rata te ekonomske i energetske posljedice izazvane ratom u Ukrajini dodatno su nakon pandemije dovele u pitanje koncept međunarodne sigurnosti i političke odgovornosti. Tijekom ove godine Hrvatska je prošla i proces priprema za uvođenja…
Cyber psihologija – pregled ključnih istraživačkih područja i nalaza
Pregledni rad: https://doi.org/10.46917/st.13.1.1 Od njezinog prvog službenog spominjanja (sredinom 90-ih godina) do danas, Cyber se psihologija prometnula u jedno od najpropulzivnijih istraživačkih područja psihologije. Iako se konceptualno naslanja na psihologiju medija, te čini svojevrsnu njezinu ekstenziju, specifičnosti interakcije ljudi s novim tehnologijama stvorile su potrebu za novim teorijskim okvirima i istraživanjima. U ovom preglednom radu…
Analiza političke komunikacije na društvenim mrežama tijekom predizborne kampanje za parlamentarne izbore 2020.
Izvorni znanstveni članak: https://doi.org/10.46917/st.13.1.2 Politička komunikacija koristi sve raspoložive kanale, a društvene mreže jedan su od najkorištenijih izvora komunikacije u predizbornim periodima. Istraživanja često pokazuju kako u političkoj komunikaciji društvene mreže ostaju nedovoljno iskorišten potencijal, naročito u području dvosmjerne komunikacije i interaktivnosti s građanima. Na kojoj su razini bile političke stranke u parlamentarnim izborima utvrđuje…
Marketing communication of prevention measures during the pandemic in Croatia
Izvorni znanstveni članak: https://doi.org/10.46917/st.13.1.3 The COVID-19 pandemic has opened up a debate on official health communication and thus set a new norm in the healthcare marketing. In the focus of the analysis of this paper is marketing communication of the Croatian COVID-19 vaccine campaign Misli na druge – cijepi se! (Think of others – get…
Representation of the nursing profession in Croatian daily newspapers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Izvorni znanstveni članak: https://doi.org/10.46917/st.13.1.4 This paper presents a content analysis conducted with the aim of determining the differences in representation as well as in media coverage and reporting on nurses in Croatia’s daily newspapers at the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis in Croatia and in the period before the crisis. The content analysis confirmed the…
Realna ekonomska konvergencija u Europskoj uniji i eurozoni – pouke za Hrvatsku
Pregledni rad: https://doi.org/10.46917/st.13.1.5 Cilj je ovog istraživanja ispitati teorijske osnove konvergencije i utvrditi dinamiku promjena ekonomskih performansi zemalja Europske unije ovisno o pripadnosti eurozoni. Svrha je dobiti nalaze o ostvarivanju realne konvergencije i o promjenama ekonomskih performansi u uvjetima krize. Nalazi mogu biti relevantni za Hrvatsku koja od 1. 1. 2023. postaje članica eurozone. Ekonomske…
Studentska percepcija karizmatičnih osoba u Republici Hrvatskoj
Prethodno priopćenje: https://doi.org/10.46917/st.13.1.6 Za stručnost, kao najvažniju i najcjenjeniju osobinu dobroga govornika, može se reći da je i danas jednako važna kao i u antičko doba. Još je Ciceron govorio kako dobar govornik mora biti mudar, posjedovati široko znanje i visoku razinu opće kulture. I suvremeni autori naglašavaju važnost stručnosti, kompetencije i znanja, kao primarnih,…
Izvještavanje o slučaju obiteljskoga nasilja u hrvatskim nacionalnim i regionalnim novinama (studija slučaja)
Prethodno priopćenje: https://doi.org/10.46917/st.13.1.7 Cilj je ovoga rada analizirati i usporediti medijsko izvještavanje o slučaju obiteljskoga nasilja na studiji slučaja (ubojstvo bivše supruge 14. listopada 2020. u Koprivnici) u nacionalnim i regionalnim novinama da bi se utvrdilo postoji li razlika u pristupu i načinu izvještavanja. Analizira se poštuju li novinari Kodeks časti hrvatskih novinara u izvještavanju,…
Uvodna riječ – 2021.
„Duh vremena“ u kojem živimo gotovo ultimativno od nas zahtijeva agilnost i proaktivnost u komunikaciji, ali i u svim drugim aktivnostima u različitim područjima društvenog života. Imperativi današnjeg vremena i kompleksnost svijeta u kojem živimo čine nužnim sinergijski pristup, koji posebno dolazi do izražaja u diversificiranom području društvenih znanosti. S obzirom na to, ovaj broj…
Što je sve film?
Pregledni radhttps://doi.org/10.46917/st.12.1.1 Sažetak U radu se sažeto daju jezgrene teorijske odrednice filma, odnosno audiovizualnog djela i područja, one koje su relevantnim orijentirima pogodne za empirijska istraživanja. Prvo, filmsko djelo je ograničena tvarna pojava u ljudskom okružju, njome se može baratati i prema njoj nekako životno odnositi. Drugo, posrijedi je tehnološki temeljena izrađevina, koja je uvjetovana…
Mržnja ili ljubav na Facebooku: Analiza sentimenta korisničkih komentara
Izvorni znanstveni članakhttps://doi.org/10.46917/st.12.1.2 Sažetak Oslanjajući se na ideju kako internet i društvene mreže mogu povećati uključivanje građana u politiku, u ovom radu pokušavamo odgovoriti koji je dominantan sentiment komentara koje korisnici objavljuju na Facebook stranicama političara na funkcijama. Kako bi odgovorili na ovo pitanje, najprije je provedena računalna analiza sentimenta u program NVivo na gotovo…
Analiza verbalne komunikacije i usporedba pobjedničkih govora posljednja tri predsjednika Republike Hrvatske
Izvorni znanstveni članakhttps://doi.org/10.46917/st.12.1.3 Sažetak Javni govor državnika oduvijek je fokus analize i tema razmišljanjastručnjaka, ali i medija i građana, pogotovo ako se radi o javnojkomunikaciji najviših državnih instanci. Moderno govorništvo i teorijejavne komunikacije u konstantnoj su promjeni, a nove tehnologijerapidno ih vode k oplemenjivanju novitetima, no i k njegovanju većustaljenih standarda. Analiza verbalne komunikacije predsjednikadržava…
Proces zamjene hrvatske kune eurom i očekivani utjecaj na gospodarska kretanja
Pregledni radhttps://doi.org/10.46917/st.12.1.4 Sažetak Zadatak rada je istražiti tijek operacionalizacije procesa zamjene hrvatske kune eurom i utvrditi realne mogućnosti Republike Hrvatske za ispunjavanje četiri obvezna Kriterija nominalne konvergencije. Cilj je rada usmjeren na potvrđivanje hipoteze da će uvođenje eura donijeti pozitivne promjene životnog standarda hrvatskih građana, kvalitetnu platformu za uspješnije poslovanje gospodarskih subjekata i pozitivan trend…
Percepcija generacijskih razlika u poslovnom ponašanju pripadnika generacija X i Y
Pregledni radhttps://doi.org/10.46917/st.12.1.5 Sažetak Pregledom postojeće literature moguće je zaključiti kako sekarakteristike i sklonosti pojedinih generacija bitno razlikuju, što dovodido nesporazuma u poslovnoj komunikaciji. U ovom radu ispitano je 144zaposlenika, pripadnika generacije X i Y radi utvrđivanja preferiranihoblika komunikacije i učestalosti međusobnih nesporazuma. Takođerispitana su međusobna viđenja po različitim elementima radnogponašanja, deriviranih iz prijašnjih istraživanja. Rezultati…
Institucionalni ustroj i formulacija politike srednjeg strukovnog obrazovanja u Hrvatskoj: preliminarna analiza
Izvorni znanstveni članakhttps://doi.org/10.46917/st.12.1.6 Sažetak Ovaj rad predstavlja preliminarno testiranje eksplanatornog modelaformulacije, a onda i razvoja institucionalnog ustroja politike srednjegstrukovnog obrazovanja u Hrvatskoj. Nalazi su bazirani na analiziliterature i devet dubinskih, polu-strukturiranih intervjua s istraživačimai stručnjacima koji se bave akterima ključnim za formulaciju ove politike(odgovorna tijela središnje države, županije, političke stranke, udrugeposlodavaca i sindikati). Prvi dio…
Odnosi s javnošću u hrvatskim neprofitnim organizacijama na primjeru udruga osoba s invaliditetom
Stručni radhttps://doi.org/10.46917/st.12.1.7 Sažetak U Hrvatskoj se razvoj društveno odgovornog ponašanja odvija vrlosporo. Stoga je glavni cilj neprofitnih organizacija iznaći rješenjaza socijalne probleme koje državne strukture nisu pravovremenodetektirale, dok je njihova misija podrška društvu (uglavnommarginalnim skupinama), jačanju humanosti i volonterstva i podizanjusvijesti javnosti o društveno relevantnim pitanjima. Ovaj rad bavi seodnosima s javnošću u neprofitnim organizacijama…
Patrick Deneen Zašto liberalizam nije uspio? / Verbum, Split, 2020., 231 str.
Recenzija, Prikaz slučaja
Uvodna riječ – 2020
Vjerujem da ćemo ovu 2020. godinu zauvijek pamtiti. Koncepti individualne i/ili glokalne (eng.glocal) sigurnosti, međudržavne komunikacije, političke odgovornosti i mnogi drugi mijenjaju seuslijed pandemije koja sa sobom nosi i potencijal brojnih kriza. Kako se mijenjaju koncepti, tako se mijenjaju i paradigme komunikacije. Stare se ruše, a nove još nisu u potpunosti vidljive.Ovaj broj časopisa, nastao…
A New Political Scarecrow? The Political Program and Activity of the ”Serbian Right“
Izvorni znanstveni članakhttps://doi.org/10.46917/st.11.1.1 The organization known as Srpska desnica (SD; the Serbian Right Wing) during 2019 become increasingly seen in the Serbian media, as well as receiving augmented visibility on posters throughout the country. With their recent electoral success in the town of Medveđa, as well as their announcement that they are turning into an…
Sekuritizacija iregularnih migracija u kampanji za predsjedničke izbore u Republici Hrvatskoj 2019./2020.
Prethodno priopćenjehttps://doi.org/10.46917/st.11.1.2 SažetakNekoliko godina nakon vrhunca migracijske krize iz 2015. godine, ovaj oblik nevojne prijetnje postao je važan dio političke debate na nacionalnoj i nadnacionalnoj razini Europske unije. Republika Hrvatska, kao država koja je dio tzv. balkanskog pravca migracija, nije iznimka. Migracijska kriza iz 2015./2016. godine predstavljala je jedno od glavnih pitanja o kojem se…
Transmedijske funkcije filmskih stilskih figura i jezičnih odstupanja od norme u informativnim televizijskim emisijama
Pregledni radhttps://doi.org/10.46917/st.11.1.3 Sažetak Govorimo li o komunikološkoj funkciji medija u globalno umreženom društvu, danas je gotovo nezamislivo promišljanje tih funkcija bez problematiziranja njihove transmedijske naravi. Oslanjajući se na sociosemiotičku analizu, rad istražuje funkcije leksičkih odstupanja od jezične norme i to u hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku te televiziji i filmu. Svrha rada je ponajprije pokazati na…
Uloga knjižnica kao komunikacijskog resursa održivog turizma
Pregledni radhttps://doi.org/10.46917/st.11.1.4 Sažetak Održivi razvoj podrazumijeva gospodarski i društveni razvoj zajednice koji je usklađen s trajnim očuvanjem njezinih prirodnih, ljudskih i društvenih resursa tako da se čuva sklad postojećih odnosa i korištenja resursa, kao i da se omogućava njihov daljnji razvoj i korištenje u budućnosti. Kulturna baština jedan je od ključnih resursa neke zajednice koji…
Potentials and Possibilities of Branding Intangible Cultural Heritage Using the Example of Šibenski botun
Prethodno priopćenjehttps://doi.org/10.46917/st.11.5 Sažetak The tourist market is expanding quickly and tourists are becoming more demanding and selective. Therefore, tourism requires creating an image and a brand based on an authentic identity by using innovative and enticing ideas that will result in attracting the attention of target audiences. “Šibenski botun” with its historical, social and cultural…
Mirela Holy: Agencije za odnose s javnošću, Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 2019., 245 str.
Agencije za odnose s javnošću doc. dr. sc. Mirele Holy prva je znanstvena knjiga, a i udžbenik naSveučilištu VERN’, koja se u okviru područja odnosa s javnošću bavi upravo agencijama. Iako jevećina tema vezanih uz odnose s javnošću u teoriji i praksi već obrađena, ovo je prvo djelo kojese bavi svim aspektima teorije i prakse…
Andreas Malm: Fosilni kapital: Uspon parnog pogona i korijeni globalnog zatopljenja Zagreb, Fraktura / Institut za političku ekologiju, 2018., 590 str.
Recenzija, prikaz slučaja SažetakU srpnju 2018. godine, izdavačka je kuća Fraktura, u suradnji s Institutom za političku ekologiju,u okviru Biblioteke Platforma objavila knjigu Fosilni kapital: uspon parnog pogona i korijeniglobalnog zatopljenja švedskog autora Andreasa Malma; zanimljivu povijesnu analizu o razlozimazamjene obnovljivih izvora energije (hidroenergija) s neobnovljivim, fosilnim izvorima energijekoji su među glavnim uzročnicima klimatskih promjena,…
Editor’s Note
Dragi čitatelji, pred nama je novi broj Suvremenih tema. U ovom broju donosimo četiri znanstvena članka i tri prikaza knjiga. Luka Jović, Erik Brezoveci Andreja Sršen istražuju u kojoj su mjeri programi političkih stranaka relevantni za biračkepreferencije na lokalnim izborima u gradu Zaprešiću. Marijana Musladin razmatra konceptregionalne sigurnosti na primjeru Sjeverne Makedonije, s posebnim osvrtom…
Oraclum Intelligence Systems Case Study: Usage of Big Data in the Political Elections Prediction
Sažetak Oraclum Intelligence Systems (OIS) tvrtka je koja koristi podatke s društvenih medija i analizira te informacije u svrhu predviđanja izbornih rezultata. Tvrtka je uspješno prognozirala ishode Brexita i predsjedničkih izbora u SAD-u. Upravo su analitičari ove tvrtke ispravno predvidjeli rezultate u gotovo svim oscilirajućim saveznim državama (Pensilvanija, Florida, Sjeverna Karolina i Ohio), pa čak…
Local politics in the Republic of Croatia and the era of reflexive modernity: an example of the 2017 local elections in the town of Zaprešić
Sažetak Ovaj rad polazi od pretpostavke kako biračko tijelo jedinica lokalne samouprave urbanog područja, točnije grada Zaprešića, nije svjesno sličnosti razmišljanja i ideja o pojedinim temama vezanim uz grad u kojemu žive. U tom kontekstu, ciljevi rada jesu ustvrditi važnost političkih programa pri odabiru biračkih preferencija u gradu Zaprešiću. Drugim riječima, istražuje se u kojoj…
Northern Macedonia in the context of regional security
Sažetak U članku se razmatra koncept regionalne sigurnosti na primjeru Sjeverne Makedonije, s posebnim osvrtom na odnos albanske nacionalne manjine i makedonske većine. U tom smislu donosi se kratak pregled razvoja njihovih odnosa od raspada Jugoslavije. Kratko će se objasniti i pozadina sukoba iz 2001. između albanske paravojne nacionalne oslobodilačke vojske i makedonske policije koji…
Talents of VERN’ University of Applied Sciences Teachers According to Gallup Clifton StrengthsFinder 2.0 questionnaire
Sažetak Cilj ovog rada je identificirati talente osobe iz Cliftonovog StrengthsFinder 2.0 upitnika koje se najčešće pojavljuju kod nastavnika na Veleučilištu VERN’ i usporediti ih prema spolu, katedri kojojpripadaju te involviranosti u poslovne procese. Nastavnici Veleučilišta VERN’ (N=59) ispunili su StrengthsFinder 2.0 upitnik i dobili svojih pet ključnih talenata koji ih opisuju. Distribucija tema uspoređivana…
Gabrijela Kišiček: Retorika i politika, Jesenski i Turk, Zagreb, 2018., 203 str.
Objavljivanje knjige Gabrijele Kišiček Retorika i politika 2018. godine u izdanju Jesenski i Turkpredstavlja značajan doprinos u naobrazbi profesionalaca koji se bave javnim političkim govorom, ali i studenata koji su u potrazi za kvalitetnom retoričkom literaturom. Autorica Gabrijela Kišiček svoj retorički autoritet gradi kao predavačica na Odsjeku za fonetiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, kao…
Gerd Leonhard: Technology vs. Humanity – The coming clash between man and machine, Fast Future Publishing, 2016, 210 str.
Živimo u uzbudljivom i pomalo zastrašujućem vremenu eksponencijalnih promjena, u kojemje najvažnije biti spreman za nepredvidljivu budućnost. Upozorava nas to ova knjiga poznatogšvicarskog futurologa, govornika i savjetnika za budućnost, Gerda Leonharda čija tema je odnosljudi i tehnologija. Pisana je čitkim stilom, u kojem autor koristi provokativna retorička pitanja icitate drugih mislioca, pisaca ili poznatih osoba…
Editor’s Note
Dragi čitatelji, pred nama je novi broj Suvremenih tema. U skladu s politikom časopisa, nastavljamo s isključivim fokusom na jugoistočnu Europu. U ovom broju donosimo pet znanstvenih članaka i dva prikaza knjiga. Mirela Holy analizira u kolikoj suse mjeri hrvatski stručni i znanstveni članci iz područja društvenih i humanističkih znanosti od 2013. godine bavili integrativnim,…
Globalizacija, integracija i multikulturalizam: interdisciplinarni pristup
Sažetak Globalizacija je kompleksan fenomen koji u velikoj mjeri utječe na suvremeno društvo. Globalizaciju se interpretira ne samo kao paradigmu stvaranja zajedničkog svjetskog tržišta, već i iz pozicije kulturne i ideološke stvarnosti (Čečuk 2002). Hrvatska je kao 28. članica Europske unije u posljednjih dvadesetak godina pod snažnim utjecajem integracijskih procesa. Moto Europske unije od 2000….
Analiza medijskog praćenja izbjegličke krize u Hrvatskoj i interpretacijski okviri (framing)
Sažetak Izbjeglička i migrantska zbivanja 2015. teme su koje su dominirale medijima. Medijskim uokviravanjem, selekcijom i isticanjem nekih vidova percipirane stvarnosti, oblikovan je način izvještavanja koji je mogao imati utjecaja i na percepciju javnosti. Iako postoje istraživanja koja se bave mjerenjima stavova stanovništva prema imigrantima, rjeđe su analize sadržaja medija. Rad ima za cilj istražiti…
Medijski prijepori u objavama hrvatskih dnevnih novina: primjer izvještavanja o referendumu o ustavnoj definiciji braka u 2013. godini
Sažetak Suvremene društvene i gospodarske promjene, suočile su brak i obitelj s drugačijim izazovima, novi(ji)m medijskim obrascima i načinima izvještavanja, a posljedično je tradicionalna obitelj uvrštena na platformu s izmijenjenim medijskim tretmanom. U radu će se kroz kontekst društvene situacije u Hrvatskoj, očitovanoj na primjeru referenduma o ustavnoj definiciji braka, ilustrirati medijski značaj i ponuditi…
Provjera modela socijalno-poduzetničke namjere na uzorku studenata psihosocijalnog i poduzetničkog smjera
Sažetak Provedenim istraživanjem testiran je teorijski model socijalno-poduzetničke namjere. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 786 studenata, od kojih je 384 studenata poduzetničkih, a 402 psihosocijalnih studija. Hijerarhijskom regresijskom analizom potvrđen je teorijski model kod obje grupe studenata. Poželjnost i ostvarivost socijalnog poduzetništva značajno doprinose objašnjenju socijalno-poduzetničke namjere i objašnjavaju 39 % varijance. Empatija i…
Analiza mogućnosti transfera politike iz austrijskog u hrvatski sustav razvoja vještina
Sažetak Osnovno pitanje koje se razmatra u ovom radu jest analiza karakteristika, razlikovnih točaka i mogućnosti transfera pojedinih elemenata politike razvoja vještina iz austrijskog u hrvatski sustav. Analizi autor pristupa oslanjajući se na tipologiju sustava razvoja vještina u razvijenim industrijskim demokracijama. Ta tipologija koju su razvili Busemeyer i Trampusch razlikuje četiri skupine sustava razvoja vještina:…
Political Science Expertise on Public Policy
Public policies, as a multi-dimensional and highly complex phenomenon, necessarily make a multidisciplinary research subject. The aim of this paper is to examine what is specific political science knowledge about public policy, and what is the unique contribution of political scientists to policy research and governance to enhance consolidating this young discipline in Southeastern Europe. This paper is a result of a review of policy textbooks...
Analysis of Inaugural Presidential Addresses in Croatia and Slovenia from 1997 to 2014
Inaugural addresses are important tools in political communication because, unlike other presidential addresses, inaugural addresses are given at the beginning of the term and are considered programmatic. Since their secession from Yugoslavia, Croatia and Slovenia have followed different paths of democratic consolidation. The purpose of this paper is to compare the topics emphasized in recent Croatian and Slovenian presidential inaugural addresses...
Political Parties and Integrated Communication in Croatia and Serbia
Integrated Marketing Communication appeared in the 1980s in the United States, and is nowadays, besides companies, also used by political parties, because they recognized the importance of the synergic effects of advertising and public relations, but also of integrating the audience in the activities of the party. This paper makes use of questionnaires and content analysis of hypertext in order to examine...
Local Memories of Wartime Violence: Commemorating World War Two in Gospić
How do dominant state narratives influence commemorative practices in local communities in different historical periods? We address this question by carrying out a study of World War Two commemorations in Gospić in two distinct periods of a political regime transition. The study is based on the documents from the archive of Gospić, articles from the local paper, existing scholarly publications on this area, as well as reports from state institutions...
Indirect Inclusion of National Parliaments in the European Lawmaking Process: Croatian Parliament Priorities in European Affairs
The Treaty of Lisbon vested the national parliaments of EU Member States with the possibility of direct participation in the European legislative process, thus attempting to overcome the Union’s democratic deficit. Earlier national parliaments only disposed with the possibility of indirect involvement in the EU affairs, through the scrutiny of governmental actions in the EU institutions...
Assessing Extracurricular Activities: &e Students’ Perspective
Many studies conducted in the past 30 years point to a significant contribution of extracurricular activities to the development of generic skills in children and young adults. At the same time, the connection between key competences related to lifelong learning, academic succes...
“I know that I don't know anything“: Political Competences and Political Participation among Zagreb Youth
Researchers have always found young people interesting as an indicator of the state of a society. Attitudes, values, competences and behavior of young people are considered a sort of litmus paper that can adequately explained wider social tendencies of a given society. This paper analyzes political competencies and political participation of Zagreb youth. Political competencies and political participation are two characteristics of quality of functioning...
A Geopolitical Background of “Istrianism“: An Analysis of Istrian Regional Identification
This paper examines the background of regional affiliation in Istria, more exactly, the Istria County in the last twenty years. Analysis of the data from three consecutive censuses (1991, 2001 and 2011), as well as analysis of results from local elections in period 1993 -2013, demonstrated three facts related to regional identity affiliation in Istria...
Causes of Internation Ineffectiveness in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992-2014)
The engagement of the international community in Bosnia and Herzegovina started twenty years ago and does not show any signs of ending. Its main goal is to create an internal polity architecture which would harmonize interethnic relations in this country and thus enable stability and prosperity.
Foreign Policy Analysis: Montenegrin-Arab Relations
This paper presents a conceptual analysis of the main external and internal determinants of foreign policy, basic theoretical approaches to foreign policy decision-making with regard to the pros and cons approach based on rational choice, which suggests establishing causality between the decision and the defined aim. In this context, the focus of this paper is on relations between foreign policy decision of Montenegro...
A Speculative Approach to the Institutions of the International Society
The English School of International Relations represents an infinite source for the ongoing research of the “international society” concept. The paper speculatively examines three international society institutions: war, balance of power and international law; in order to indicate contemporary “scientific” (mostly realist) limitations to the terminological understanding of the international society concept.
Democratic Peace Theory: A Path Towards Civil War: The Case of Iraq
The author suggests that the liberal paradigm of democratic peace is problematic in explaining the international reality. Democratization does not necessarily lead toward peace, but quite the contrary, induces wars, primarily in the sense of “just wars” with the aim of toppling down authoritarian regimes. Also, the paper shows that democracies do go to war
From the Secret to the Public: The Power of Elite Organizations: Symbolic Power and Corporative Diplomacy
Chivalric orders and self-styled orders have been part of silent diplomacy for centuries and show remarkable resilience to change. Chivalric orders are based on historical legitimacy, while self-styled orders are a result of democratic change brought by the American and French Revolution. Their power in society is a research topic of many scientific and quasi-scientific discussions and studies, many of which use the term of secret societies...
The Characteristics of the French Involvement in the 1992-1995 UNPROFOR Mission
This paper discusses some characteristics of the involvement of French troops in the United Nations Mission in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina from 1992 to 1995. It addresses the question of motives of French policy makers regarding their decision to voluntarily send troops to partake in the United Nations mission. The subject matter is analyzed from the perspective of the neorealist...
Competency Models for a Knowledge-Based Society
Competencies, learning outcomes and curriculum approaches are very important in the field of national education, and they are dominant in pedagogical theory and reality since the beginning of the EU accession process. Educational politics act and change the national educational system under the influence of the politics and the necessary social process of Europeanization.
Nationalism in Croatian Transition to Democracy: Between Structural Conditionality and the Impact of Legacy of History and Political Culture
Sažetak Nationalism has marked the democratic transition of many post-communistsocieties, including Croatia. It showed its liberal character by fostering democratic change and achieving national independence, but it also manifested itself as exclusive ethnocentrism, which considerably slowed down the democratization process and imposed itself as its main characteristic. The author challenges the view that ethnocentrism as…
Genocide: Intent, Motivation and Types
Sažetak Genocide is a complicated social, political and psychological phenomenon. Findings by a number of scholars show that all types of genocides are interdependent and cannot appear in pure types alone. This paper argues that the loser psychology is one major factor for developing a genocidal intent in society. Society, facing harsh realities, feels defeated…
Perspektive jačanja suradnje NATO-a i Europske unije u kontekstu regionalne i globalne sigurnosti
Sažetak Euroatlantska zajednica se suočava s novim izazovima – u trenutku kada se SAD sve više okreću području Azije i Pacifika, europske države će morati preuzeti znatno više odgovornosti u osiguranju europske sigurnosti. S obzirom da će se zaokret u obrambenoj politici SAD-a odraziti na transatlantske i euroatlantske odnose, te čak dovesti do „repozicioniranja“ SAD-a…
Davutoğlu: Thinking Depth and Global Political Activism as New Grand Strategy
Sažetak This paper is an analytical synopsis of Ahmet Davutoğlu’s pro-civilizationalactivism, an essay on this globally recognized diplomat and expert in the fieldof international relations, history of political thought and political philosophy.Davutoğlu is an author of the strategic doctrine of new Turkey as global actorwith neo-Ottomanist Geist. It shows his multidimensional approach to civilizations and…
Transmission of traumatic experiences in the families of war survivors from Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sažetak This paper explores the process of transmitting war experiences from parents to children in the contemporary Bosnian context. It is informed by studies in psychoanalysis and cultural anthropology. Using in-depth interviews with families, family trees and children’s drawings, I try to understand why and how parents communicate their traumatic memories to their children, and…
Gergana Noutcheva: European Foreign Policy and the Challenges of Balkan Accession: Conditionality, Legitimacy and Compliance
Sažetak In this book Gergana Noutcheva aims to increase knowledge on the impact of EU policy in its neighboring countries. The author is an associate professor in International Relations and European Foreign Policy at the University of Maastricht. Her research focuses on the EU enlargement and neighborhood policy, in particular the impact of the EU…
Ksenija Cvetković-Sander: Sprachpolitik und nationale Identität im sozialistischen Jugoslawien (1945-1991): Serbokroatisch, Albanisch, Makedonisch und Slowenisch
Sažetak Knjiga Ksenije Cvetković-Sander na sustavan i precizan način donosi historiografsku analizu jezične politike i jezične problematike u Drugoj Jugoslaviji, s posebnim naglaskom na hrvatsko-srpskim jezičnim odnosima.
Feminism and Democracy: Are There Women behind Women Representatives?
The article examines demands for gender parity in political representation and the ways in which they respond to the frequent charges of essentialism implicit to such demands. The first part addresses arguments that have tried to avoid evoking the difference between men and women by simply appealing to justice between sexes.
Revisiting the Society of the Spectacle in the post-9/11 world
In this paper I aim to revisit and add my own contribution to the theory of the spectacle by comparing Guy Debord’s model of the spectacle introduced in his book “The Society of the Spectacle” with a new type of spectacle – the spectacle of fear, here epitomized by the 9/11.
The War of the Myths: Creating the Founding Myth of Kosovo Albanians
A distinctive Albanian character is present in shaping of Kosovo’s statehood. The official politics of history and identity diminish the importance of other ethnic communities and focuses on Albanian mythology, represented by mixture of contemporary and historical personalities, events, places and memories.
The Contribution of Ruling Bosnian and Herzegovinian Political Parties to the Outbreak of War in Bosnia and Herzegovina
According to the essential part of its constitutional makeup (1974 Constitution) the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B-H) was defined as an entity of three constitutional, sovereign and mutually equal peoples: Croats, Serbs and Muslims (Bosniaks). Such a political and legal model was meant to ensure full protection of national interests of all three peoples...
European Union and South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia)
This paper will show the development of bilateral relations between the European Union and the countries of South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia)...
The Political Dimension of Counterinsurgency Operations: A Comparison of Two Counterinsurgency Operations in Afghanistan
The USSR intervention in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989 and the current Allied US-led intervention in the same country have many different characteristics but also a lot of common features. The causes and the final goals for setting them in motion differ as much as their initial approaches but with the passage of time they have both grown into counterinsurgency operations.
Sarajevo: A Bosnian Kaleidoscope
Book Review: Fran Markowitz: Sarajevo: A Bosnian Kaleidoscope
The New Patterns of Warfare: Terrorism against Innocent Civilians
Sažetak Terrorism surfaces in a most brutal manner in the global conflicts inthe early 21st century. It is a question of a new form of terrorism that is different from classical terrorism by the French and Russian revolutionaries. This new form of struggle by religious fundamentalists and ethno-nationalists occurs in a band of countries from…
Mapping International Chaos
Sažetak Mapping is inherently a subjective and exclusionary practice as thecartographer decides which elements of the world are included and which can safely be ignored. Similarly, when an international relations theorist describes a new theory it is necessary to define the elements which are essential to understanding the complexities of an international political system, explain…
Reflections on Reflexivity: Sociological Issues and Perspective
Sažetak This paper attempts to comprehensively concentrate and criticallyreflect upon the theoretical and methodological conception of sociological reflexivity. It thus concisely presents some relevant debates on reflexivity’s most influential sociological and epistemological definitions, as well as on its varied and complex relationship with the contentious notions of the self and spokespersonship. The conceptual elaboration on…
Mapuche handicrafts trading: Production of sense and socio-cultural reproduction
Sažetak The aim of this article is to study the characteristics and the dynamics of different ways of trade of handicrafts used by the producers belonging to the Mapuche communities in Lacar and Huiliches Departments in the Province of Neuquen, Argentina. The trade of handicrafts is of vital importance for the inhabitants of these areas…
Univerzalizacija holokausta na primjeru hrvatske politike prošlosti i spomen-područja Jasenovac
Sažetak Posljednjih godina u Europi raste broj interdisciplinarnih studija okolektivnom pamćenju, posebno u vezi s holokaustom. Ovaj članak se bavi novijim trendovima univerzalizacije i europeizacije holokausta kao negativnog mita o novoosnovanoj Europi nakon 1945. godine. Druga strana tog razvoja je njihov napet odnos prema novim postsocijalističkim naracijama u istočnoj i jugoistočnoj Europi. Te fenomene analizirati…
Myths about Borders and the Reconciliation Moment
Sažetak This article deals with the relevant historical and political myths, especially myths about borders, firstly regarding the nationalistic movements within the FPRY/SFRY (including political emigration myths), and the myths and counter-myths concerning the new states created in the 1990s. Methodologically, this article emphasizes the dynamics of these myths and observes them in their continuous…
Krieg um die Erinnerung: Kroatische Vergangenheitspolitik zwischen Revisionismus und europäischen Standards
Sažetak Prikaz knjige Ljiljane Radonić:Krieg um die Erinnerung: Kroatische Vergangenheitspolitikzwischen Revisionismus und europäischen Standards.
Understanding Female College Students’ Mind-set towards Television Advertising in Pakistan
Purpose: This study examined the consequences and impact that television advertising has upon the general attitude of female college students towards television advertising in Pakistan. The data was collected from randomly selected 299 female college students. Methods: The respondents from five metropolitan cities like Peshawar, Islamabad,Rawalpindi, Quetta and Karachi were asked to answer a self-administered questionnaire.
The Discourse on the “Crisis of the Health Care System” and the New Governance Model of Health Care in Quebec
During the last decade, public discourse on the “crisis of the health care system” in Quebec and Canada soared to the extent that the crisis has come to be seen by many Quebeckers and Canadians as an enduring feature of their health care sector...
The Decline of Trust in Post-communist Societies: The Case of Bulgaria and Russia
After the fall of communism in Bulgaria and Russia, the form of underground communities still remained in the collective consciousness, as people became even more secluded around their tight circles of family and friends. The family bonds became the new cradle of trust that might have resulted in the low levels of bridging and out-group trust. Trust toward government institutions and formal organisations have dramatically declined...
International Community Polity Proposal for Bosnia and Herzegovina according to Cutileiro’s Plan (March 18, 1992)
During the final phase of the breakup of Yugoslavia, in circumstances which have led to independence of its republics and were largely characterised by Serbian hegemonic aggression towards Croatia, a final chrystallisation of political goals of the three Bosnian-Herzegovinian ethnicites. By the end of 1991, Serbs agree to the creation of a Serbian political entity on two thirds of Bosnian-Herzegovinian territory with a possibility of merging with Serbia...
The Electoral System of Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Short Review of Political Matter and/or Technical Perplexion
The Dayton Proximity Talks were held in the Wright - Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, USA from 1-21 November 1995. They resulted with the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina (e.g. Dayton Peace Accords, Dayton Peace Agreement) that was signed by the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and witnessed by USA, UK, Germany...
Coordination between the regulation of public limited liability companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Council Regulation on the Statute for an European company in the light of amendments of national legislation on companies
With the goal of successfully integrating into the internal EU market in mind, by becoming a signatory of Stabilisation and Association Agreement on June 16, 2009, Bosnia and Herzegovina took on the responsibility of undertaking prescribed measures to enable a functional market economy to take roots by establishing a single economic space based on four freedoms of movement.
The International Community and Future Scenarios for Bosnia and Herzegovina
This conference paper, presented at Panel 3 “The future role of the International Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina” as part of the international conference “Bosnia & Herzegovina - a Road towards Stabilization, Prosperity and European Integration“ organised by the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs and held on November 5-6, 2009 in Budapest, Hungary,
The Post-Modern Society: Which are the Basic Value-Orientations?
Political behaviour like voting or allegiance to political parties is today less a function of the social structure and more an expression of the value orientations that the electorate harbours. The new research into political culture has resulted in numerous findings concerning the role of dominant value orientations like post-materialism, trust and gender or egalitarianism as well as individualism...
Last Congress of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia: Causes, Consequences and Course of Dissolution
During the eighties, Yugoslavia was faced with a growing crisis that has put into question the survival of the federation. Conflicting strategies of the future Yugoslavia, based in the republic League of Communists, have finally separated on the 14th LCY extraordinary Congress in January 1990.
Expanding the Public System of Household Assistance: a Pilot Experiment in Slovenia
Irregular paid domestic workers with their activity in domestic sphere and domestic work, reorganize notions of welfare and the relationship between domestic and paid work in European societies in a fundamentally private, anti-egalitarian and exclusionary way. In the EU policies, the regulation of informal domestic work is deemed...
Enculturation and the Degenerative Principle
The model of enculturation I propose operates with a claim that individuals are intrinsically idiosyncratic. Support for individual idiosyncrasy begins at the level of neurons and goes on to encompass inter-individual phenomena. I draw on cognitive and social theory to support my position. In particular I consider the work of neurologist Gerald Edelman (2004) and his “theory of neuronal group selection” (TNGS) and Sahlins (2000) and his theory of culture...
“I’m not sure what it is, but it is important” - Analysis of the Attitudes of Students of University of Rijeka in Terms of Sustainable Development
Theoretical part of this paper consists of a coherent overview of different approaches and definitions of sustainable development and analyses of the role that higher education institutions (should) play in promoting the sustainable development. Furthermore, relevant research results regarding this concept are presented. The empirical part of paper analyses results of a pilot study conducted in 2007 at the University of Rijeka on a sample of 105 students.
Comparison of Geopolitical Significance of Post Cold War Rounds of Enlargement of NATO
In the Post-Cold War era, NATO enlargements occurred in two rounds. Ten new member states joined NATO. These enlargements represent a major asset to the...
Empire as a Subject of Political Science Analysis
This paper seeks to clarify conceptual and practical differences between the empire and imperial structures and the state and its determinants. The empire is historically and geographically differentiated and then interlinked with the concept of hegemony.