Representation of the nursing profession in Croatian daily newspapers during the COVID-19 pandemic

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This paper presents a content analysis conducted with the aim of determining the differences in representation as well as in media coverage and reporting on nurses in Croatia’s daily newspapers at the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis in Croatia and in the period before the crisis. The content analysis confirmed the assumption that the number of reports on nursing in the media would be significantly higher than in the previous period, i.e., before the COVID-19 crisis. Specifically, during of the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses were in general positively perceived through the media. This is particularly evident through journalistic forms where the number of reports on nurses/technicians was 88.89% compared to 11.11% in the pre-pandemic period. The number of interviews with nurses during the pandemic amounted to 95%, compared to 5% in the period before the pandemic, while the number of informative articles amounted to 89.51% during of the COVID-19 crisis, as opposed to 10.49% before the COVID-19 crisis.

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