Talents of VERN’ University of Applied Sciences Teachers According to Gallup Clifton StrengthsFinder 2.0 questionnaire
The aim of this paper is to identify personal talents from Clifton StrengthsFinder 2.0 questionnaire
which occur most frequently among teachers at VERN’ University of Applied Sciences, and compare them by gender, department and involvement in management processes.
Teachers of VERN’ University of Applied Sciences (N=59) filled out StrengthsFinder 2.0 questionnaire and got their Signature Themes which describe them. The distribution of Signature Themes was compared among teachers by gender, department and according to the fact if the
teacher, besides his/her academic engagement, also has an additional
engagement in management processes. The results of this research show that VERN’ teacher profile has the following talents: Learner, Responsibility, Input, Achiever and Relator.
Female teachers do not show significant variation
regarding VERN’ teacher profile, which is not the case in case of male respondents. There are some variation among departments. Teachers having additional engagement in management
processes completely respond to VERN’ teacher profile, but among teachers having exclusive academic engagement some minor variations occur.