The New Patterns of Warfare: Terrorism against Innocent Civilians

Sažetak Terrorism surfaces in a most brutal manner in the global conflicts inthe early 21st century. It is a question of a new form of terrorism that is different from classical terrorism by the French and Russian revolutionaries. This new form of struggle by religious fundamentalists and ethno-nationalists occurs in a band of countries from…

Mapping International Chaos

Sažetak Mapping is inherently a subjective and exclusionary practice as thecartographer decides which elements of the world are included and which can safely be ignored. Similarly, when an international relations theorist describes a new theory it is necessary to define the elements which are essential to understanding the complexities of an international political system, explain…

Reflections on Reflexivity: Sociological Issues and Perspective

Sažetak This paper attempts to comprehensively concentrate and criticallyreflect upon the theoretical and methodological conception of sociological reflexivity. It thus concisely presents some relevant debates on reflexivity’s most influential sociological and epistemological definitions, as well as on its varied and complex relationship with the contentious notions of the self and spokespersonship. The conceptual elaboration on…

Mapuche handicrafts trading: Production of sense and socio-cultural reproduction

Sažetak The aim of this article is to study the characteristics and the dynamics of different ways of trade of handicrafts used by the producers belonging to the Mapuche communities in Lacar and Huiliches Departments in the Province of Neuquen, Argentina. The trade of handicrafts is of vital importance for the inhabitants of these areas…

Univerzalizacija holokausta na primjeru hrvatske politike prošlosti i spomen-područja Jasenovac

Sažetak Posljednjih godina u Europi raste broj interdisciplinarnih studija okolektivnom pamćenju, posebno u vezi s holokaustom. Ovaj članak se bavi novijim trendovima univerzalizacije i europeizacije holokausta kao negativnog mita o novoosnovanoj Europi nakon 1945. godine. Druga strana tog razvoja je njihov napet odnos prema novim postsocijalističkim naracijama u istočnoj i jugoistočnoj Europi. Te fenomene analizirati…

Myths about Borders and the Reconciliation Moment

Sažetak This article deals with the relevant historical and political myths, especially myths about borders, firstly regarding the nationalistic movements within the FPRY/SFRY (including political emigration myths), and the myths and counter-myths concerning the new states created in the 1990s. Methodologically, this article emphasizes the dynamics of these myths and observes them in their continuous…